Legal notices
Atos.net is registered and owned by Atos SE, a European public limited-liability company (“Societas Europaea”), duly organised and validly existing under the laws of France having its registered office at River Ouest 80, Quai Voltaire, 95870 Bezons, France whose company number at the Commercial registry of Pontoise is 323 623 603.
Tel: +33 1 73 26 00 00
This Webpage is governed by law solely applicable in Spain and both national and foreign users of this Website are subject to same.
The USER’s access to our Webpage is free of charge and contingent upon reading and fully and expressly accepting without reservation these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE that are in effect at the time of access, which we would ask you to read carefully. When using our portal, its contents or services the USER expressly accepts and submits to the general conditions for the use of same. Should the user not be in agreement with these Conditions of Use, they must refrain from using this portal and operating via same.
We may modify the presentation and configuration of our Webpage, expand or reduce the services and even remove it from the Internet at any time, together with the services and contents provided, unilaterally and without prior notice.